Namibia, Fire EcologyThe Conversationfire, fire research, human wildlife confict, colonization, colonial disruption, fire safety, fire season, fire ecology, biodiversity, rural communities, Mali, Bwabwata National Park, Southern Africa, Southern Hemisphere, Kavango- Zambezi Transfontier Conservation Area, wildlife, national park, tourism, Khwe- San, hunter gatherers, Mbukushu, agro-pastoralists, hunting, colonial occupation, policy, environmental policy, fire management, dry season, ecological management, forestry sector, timber production, subsistence, culture, independence, inter-ethnic conflict, deforestation, South African Defence Force, international tourism, fire suppression, NGO, Namibian wildlife, April, July, vegetation, climate change, global climate change, Glynis Joy Humphrey, Gina Ziervogel, Lindsey GillsonComment
Namibian Fire Ecology: Trusting local knowledge
The Wisdom of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Biodiversity
Namibia, Fire EcologyThe Conversationfire, fire research, human wildlife confict, colonization, colonial disruption, fire safety, fire season, fire ecology, biodiversity, rural communities, Mali, Bwabwata National Park, Southern Africa, Southern Hemisphere, Kavango- Zambezi Transfontier Conservation Area, wildlife, national park, tourism, Khwe- San, hunter gatherers, Mbukushu, agro-pastoralists, hunting, colonial occupation, policy, environmental policy, fire management, dry season, ecological management, forestry sector, timber production, subsistence, culture, independence, inter-ethnic conflict, deforestation, South African Defence Force, international tourism, fire suppression, NGO, Namibian wildlife, April, July, vegetation, climate change, global climate change, Glynis Joy Humphrey, Gina Ziervogel, Lindsey GillsonComment